Crazy chinese dynamite railroad story
Crazy chinese dynamite railroad story

To show you how much I loved this film, I would really love to see a sequel-and I usually HATE sequels!! By the way, much of the inspiration for this film must have been "Three the Hard Way". The film has everything going for a parody of the genre needs-great acting, writing, direction and action. There's a lot of violence and nudity and Black Dynamite is a one man sex this is not a film to show your mother or kids! Clever, well-made and funny-this is a must-see film. Like many of the original films, this is a very adult film. This aspect of the film was wonderful! One word of caution, though. In fact, up until the film gets really silly, you could easily believe that was made back in the 1970s. "Black Dynamite" was different because the action was actually really, really good and the film was played so very seriously. While I loved them both, "I'm Gonna Git Ya" was a much more obvious and silly parody. Now you might think that this film was just like "I'm Gonna Git Ya Sucka", though it is not just another version of the same type of film. I won't say more because it would spoil the suspense, but it was simply amazing to watch. Kung Fu Island and a trip to the White House?!? Wow, that made me laugh. I also loved how a red Porsche went off the road and over the cliff-and suddenly it became a light colored sedan! But what REALLY made this film fun was the final 1/3-where it got REAAAALLY crazy. I loved how in one scene, you can see a boom microphone and how the leading man keeps looking up at it. What makes this film so watchable is its great combination of action, excellent martial arts action, self-parody and deliberate mistakes that were done to imitate the shoddy production values of some of the blacksploitation films. As for me, I've seen dozens of films and so many of the plot elements and clichés from these films are in "Black Dynamite" it made for a wonderful homage. I strongly suspect someone who's never seen a blacksploitation (or 'blaxploittion') film would not appreciate this movie-at least not as much as lovers of the genre. And you don't even have to be a "Blax-ploitation" expert to enjoy the comedy, that is displayed here! The movie avoids getting big celebrities in major roles (Arsenio Hall being one of the "biggest" names), which actually makes the movie feel like it could have been shot back in the height of the Blax-ploitation movement! And it's rather a celebration of this "sub-genre" (if you want to call it that), than trying to make it ridiculous! A must-see movie! So full of crazy ideas and great (silly) performances, I can only hope there will be more movies like this in the future! And when you watch this you will feel the same way. Even before watching Black Dynamite, I thought of him as a great actor. Unfortunately and kinda surprisingly, at least for me. Unfortunately he hasn't had his big break yet. Or if you are into some "B-Action" movies, there are quite a few he made (some of them even quite good). Michael Jay White is "Black Dynamite" (if you have seen the movie, imagine the music, when saying that)! You might have seen him in "Spawn" or as one of the evil doers in "Dark Knight". (I think the only movie I've seen recently where the actors were having so much fun was Tropic Thunder.) Oh, and the soundtrack Man, I need to get me some of dat. Kudos to the crew and actors for really "getting it" and going for it. All the things professional filmmakers try to avoid, they do on purpose: Boom mike hitting actor's head, obvious continuity errors, reusing the same shot to save money (exploding car flying off cliff), replacing a stunt actor in mid-sequence. But you are also constantly reminded that you are watching a FILM, an intentionally bad one at that.

crazy chinese dynamite railroad story

You are watching this alternate universe (a fantasy of the 70s, filtered through the lens of Blaxploitation) and the characters are REAL and they believe in the fantasy. It somehow manages to be a parody and the thing that it is parodying at the same time. I don't remember betting a gut busted so hard in ages. They were met, exceeded, and blown the F away. I had high expectations going in (based on the YouTube trailer). I had the great good pleasure of experiencing the full force of Black Dynamite at a midnight showing (at the of The Last Great Movie Palaces).

Crazy chinese dynamite railroad story