Creepy Basement: The cabin's basement has a notable deadbolt, and the Companions hesitate checking out what's down there.Cannibalism Superpower: As Karin consumes more human meat, she becomes notably stronger, even managing to restrain Gregor and chop off his limbs with little trouble.Cannibal Larder: The player character's Creepy Basement is where they store the corpses of their victims.The Cameo: The extra Nightmare Mode features several cameos from other horror games, including White Face from Imscared, Monster 5 from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, and several monsters from Mycorrhiza.Turn on the light, the abyss, and something is approaching also come up frequently.Not only does it prove that they set up the events intentionally, those are very common arc words from stories about Baba Yaga. While only encountered once in-game (in a brief post-credits scene), The Reveal that the player character has asked the same question, "Did you come of your own free will, or were you sent?" a thousand times before has major implications for the plot, character dynamics, and possibly even the character's identity.Anthropomorphic Food: The "Chompettes", the game's mascots, are a quintet of basic foods with cutesy faces.Runs after that, however, go into That Was Not a Dream territory with Karin now having a Nightmare Face.

All Just a Dream: In the Appetizer Edition, the first time you start a New Game Plus, you wake up in one of the cabin's beds with Karin and are asked if you just had a nightmare.As the other ghosts point out in one ending, she was as much of a victim as they were.